Dozen Pink Roses
A bouquet of a dozen pink roses in a beautiful, elegant vase. The rich and velvety petals of the pink roses are arranged in a lush and full manner, creating a bold and passionate display. Whether displayed in a special setting or given as a gift, this bouquet of pink roses in an elegant vase is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Clear Vase. Seasonal Greenery, and Dozen Premium Pink Roses
Each one of our arrangements is unique. Slight variations in color, arrangement, or container may occur. To maintain the highest quality, we may make substitutions when necessary, ensuring they are of equal or greater value than your original choices. Your satisfaction is our priority.

In Stock
Next Weekday Delivery Available.
Order by Midnight.
Expected Delivery Time: 3-6pm
We can deliver flowers at a requested time. Make sure your request is clearly noted in the order notes at checkout.
Customer Reviews

Rhonda S.
September 7, 2024

Jennifer B.
July 16, 2024

Elisabeth P.
June 30, 2024

Our Promise
We love flowers and enjoy creating aesthetically pleasing bouquets. We are dedicated to providing the best possible customer service. We treat our customers with respect and in the most sincere and friendly manner. Our flower bouquets are the perfect gift for any occasion regardless of how many miles you are separated from your loved ones.
Our Delivery Area
Cities/Towns: Blaine, Birch Bay
Zip Codes: 98230
Cities/Towns: Bellingham, Ferndale, Lynden, Custer
Zip Codes: 98264, 98248, 98225, 98226, 98227, 98228, 98240
Cities/Towns: Everson, Bow, South Bellingham
Zip Codes: 98247, 98232, 98229
Cities/Towns: Maple Falls, Nooksack, Sumas
Zip Codes: 98266, 98276, 98295
Our Policy on Substitutions
At In Bloom Flowers, we create custom products tailored to your style. Custom items are unique, and slight variations in color, arrangement, or container may occur based on availability. Be assured that any substitutions will always be of equal or higher value than the original items you ordered. Your satisfaction is our priority.
Delivery Expectation
We prioritize convenience and freshness in your flower delivery. Most days, expect your flowers to be delivered between 3pm-6pm, ideal for when the recipients are likely to be home. If you’d like a morning delivery, simply note your request in the order notes and we’ll do our best to accommodate. We’ll communicate through email, text, or a call if any unexpected delays arise. Your satisfaction and your blooms’ quality are our focus.